
Thursday, February 28, 2013

ID growth 1,080,000

ID increment after the 10th price-split on 03/10/12 ...
Period                                 :   03/10/12 ~ 28/02/13
Average daily ID increment   :   1982

Observation  :
1. Significant ID growth after Finnciti launching on 12/12/12, average ID growth is doubled.
2. Growth is slow approaching and during CNY, indicated the developers are mainly Chinese celebrating CNY.
3. Current growth rate reflects enormous potential in Finnciti, proven 2013 will be a glorious year for Finnciti, as cited by 老总.
4. Growth picked up after CNY as per chart.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

System Update: IP Address Limitation 系统更新:IP 地址限制

Date 26 Feb 2013

Detail To ensure fairness, each IP address is limited as follow:
  1. To peep a prize once in every minute.
  2. Buying in EP Exchange limited once in every 5 minutes. 

26 Feb 2013   为了公平竞争,每个 IP 地址被限制与:
  1. 每一分钟看一看一个奖品。
  2. 每五分钟在 EP Exchange 里买一次。
IP地址被用来给Internet上的电脑一个编号。大家日常见到的情况是每台联网的PC上都需要有IP地址,才能正常通 信。我们可以把“个人电脑”比作“一台电话”,那么“IP地址”就相当于“电话号码”,而Internet中的路由器,就相当于电信局的“程控式交换 机”。



对于那些注册时间长,ID号机器人的EP市值高,ID号也多的开发商来说,他可以任意切换不同的ID号不断的抢EP,抢EP制成PIN码再卖出来的利益有 多大,各位开发商心里都知道,所以很多人专门抢EP,那现在公司发布这个公告的意思也就是说每个IP地址每5分钟只能买一次EP,这个措施的出台,对于大 家都公平,也就不存在很多人抢到大量的EP,而很多人却抢不到EP的情况了。


Monday, February 25, 2013

The more you buy, the more you get

Besides doubting that money could indeed increase 50 ~ 400% yearly, one major hindrance encountered by many people to further create ID .... is ...some portion (35~50%) of participant's initial money will be channeled to a pool, which funded the developers bonus.


To maximize the short term profit, one can invest 63 Silver or 63 Gold IDs. For instance, if a developer invests 63 Gold IDs, ie 63 X USD500 = USD31,500. 43% of the fund will be channeled to the pool, 0.43 X 31,500 = USD13,545 as if deducted from its prevailing value (USD31,500). However, through the bonus rewarded such as Sponsorship; Matching and Leadership bonuses, developer will get 59.9% out of the USD13,545 in the pool, ie, USD13,545 X 0.599 = USD8,113. The balance (USD5432), some portion is utilized to the pay for the upline bonuses and 3~7% is left with the company, which is not visible in my calculation here.

The above-listed table recommends the more IDs created, the higher percentage developer will get from the pool. Since Normal ID ( USD100 ) is not allowed to purchase EP in the system, therefore it is not recommended to register. Silver ( USD200 ) and Gold ( USD500 ) are the best two, definitely the smart one is Silver ( USD200 ). Helping yourself to create more IDs, is another way to withdraw your fund contributed in the pool. Ya lo, still depend on ones' financial situation.

For my Malaysian going-to-be developers, assuming you invest MYR100,800, you will have the robots and EP equivalent to MYR83,000 in account, only MYR17,000 is with the company for continuous bonuses pay out.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

马云王健林对赌1亿 10年后电商占50%份额?

【中国企业家网】(综合)2012年12月12日,2012CCTV中国经济年度人物评选颁奖盛典在北京举行。2012CCTV十大中国经济年度人物马云 和王健林在颁奖现场互相调侃,双方约定10年后,如果电商在中国零售市场,整个大零售市场份额占50%,王健林将给马云一个亿,如果没到马云还王健林一个 亿。

王 健林说,电商再厉害,但像洗澡、捏脚、修耳朵这些业务也取代不了。我跟马云先生赌一把:2020年,10年后,如果电商在中国零售市场,整个大零售市场份 额占50%,我给他一个亿,如果没到他还我一个亿。王健林在颁奖现场表示:“我不认为电商出来,传统零售渠道就一定会死,基于三个理由。第一,现在电商再 厉害,但是现在占的份额依然比较小,将来能不能占一半以上份额,还有待时间检 验。第二,零售所有的东西,吃穿用的东西,比如我们穿衣服不完全是为了避寒,吃东西不完全是填饱肚子,很多人穿衣服是穿给别人看的,戴的表是给别人看的。 现在消费有一个观点,叫炫耀性消费,是为别人活的。所以,这些东西弄得再好,在公众场合展示,要走入人多的场所,所以会去零售渠道。第三,零售商不会等 死,当然,在马云的冲击下,一些不思进取,或者标准化的零售渠道,如果没有应对之策,可能会死掉,但是如果零售商加以自己的发扬,或者作为,线上线下结 合,一定会得很好。美国前十大电商都是零售渠道的案例。”

对此,马云补充道,“我先告诉所有的像王总这样的传统零售一个好消息,电商不可能 完全取代零售行业,同时告诉你们,是基本取代你们。重要的是电子商务今天不是模式的创新,是生活方式的变革。很多人看成是商业模式,事实上它在影响一代一 代人。电子商务今天一万亿只是刚刚开始,现在所做的只是对传统零售渠道的变革,未来三年五年,将进入生产制造的变革,直到影响生活方式的变革。

所以,我想告诉大家的是,这只是刚刚开始。另外一个,今天电子商务不是想取代谁,不是想消灭谁,而是想建设更加新颖的、透明的、开放、公正、公 平的商业环境,去支持那些未来成为中国最佳的像王健林这样的企业家。中国成功的未来的主导中国经济的,不是马云,不是王健林,而是今天没有听见,没有见到 过,甚至没有听说过,很多人可能看不见、看不起、跟不上、看不懂的年轻人,他们将取代我们,他们将成为中国经济的未来。因为他们今天正在用互联网的思想和 互联网技术在改变今天的商业环境。


Monday, February 18, 2013

Why 10th price-split was 1.28

ID increment after the 9th price-split on 06/03/12 ...
Period                                 :   06/03/12 ~ 02/10/12
Average daily ID increment   :   1180

Last year, it was a tough and challenging year for Finnciti. Developers merely enjoyed a least multiplier of 1.52 X 1.28 = 1.95 ever since the e-game launching in 2007. Why the price-split was so low ??
There were 2 major factors listed here...

1. End of May 2012, 2 cases of major business closure reported in Hokkien, China. Since the crack of返利网 and MLM in Xiamen, both cases happened in the district of Hokkien, many of our SMI players were involved, many of them had to sell SMI units to sustain loss incurred from the crack. This stirred up a confusion, many inexperienced developers followed the wind without direction, worry the same case would happen to SMI, resulting panic selling all the way until the price bottom at 0.32.

2. PIN restriction effective on July 2011 ~ 28 May 2012, reasons being...
  • To slow down China market, expansion of SMI e-game in other countries were equally important such as Europe and United State of America.
  • Growth of China market was so fast, a lot of developers did not manage their accounts, hence causing few hundred cases of PIN stealing and abuse of accounts reported. These victims (developers) eventually filed their complaints to the management "stating SMI is a LIAR". There were some irresponsible developers in the game to create cheat and liar, making company in trouble, they recommended people to join the game but their people were not even been trained about the platform.
  • The success of SMI had drawn hundred of companies to imitate its footstep, and many of them went broke in months or years. Thousand of innocent people suffered the loss, such incident had adversely tarnish our SMI image, people confused if SMI was another LIAR.
Company countermeasure is to rectify the situation to be further dragged into the swamp. Company always stresses to look for "Quality" instead of "Quantity" developers. We will be the losers if Finnciti is ruined by those irresponsible developers. Never! Never recommend those people of low personality and mentality to join Finnciti. You may spend 5 minutes to read the article, but the compilation of data is not done overnight, once again look at the ID growth rate. 2013 is a fabulous year for Finnciti, you don't have to be with me, but the data has already spoken. In 2011, the price-split was 4.35 folds, what about this year ?

Friday, February 15, 2013


   尊敬的開發商,去年一年走來対finnciti挑戰非常大。因為巿塲上模仿我們的騙子公司一間間的關門,使市場上非常混亂。很多平民百姓也無從知道哪一家是真哪一家是假。去年年底finnciti終於上台了。希望經過這個平台能夠教會更多的平民百姓學會理財,理事,做人。同時也了解理財要時間,世界上沒有一朝至富。快就是慢,慢就是快。今年公司將會再次推出購物网,為將來的更大的計劃佈好局。大家也必須遵守公司的做法,低調,低調再低調。同時講真話,説實話,千萬別忽悠,我將會帶領大家走向光輝的2013年,同時讓finnciti 向百年企業前進。祝大家新年快樂,心想事成.  黃彦清敬上.

CNY wishes by CEO Ng (黄总)
Dear developers, last year all the way it was a very big challenging year to Finnciti.
Due to the closure of many imitation companies in the market, so the market is very confusing. Many civilians have no way to know which one is true or fake. Last year, year end Finniciti has finally come on board. Hope through this platform more civilians can learn the way of financial management, managing matter and render one's integrity. And also, one has to understand that financial management is time consuming, wealth is not built overnight, one saying goes ..."fast is slow, slow is fast".
This year, the company will once again launch a shopping network for greater future plans.
We must also abide by the practice of the company, a low profile, low profile, and low profile approach. Tell the truth, always tell the truth, and do not fudge, I will take you to a glorious 2013, at the same time let Finnciti forwards to a century-enterprise. I wish you all Happy New Year, all wishes come true. BY Huang Zong.

Monday, February 11, 2013


祝大家风调雨顺,四季平安!加入 finnciti (smi) 这个理财项目,我衷心向黄总道谢,因此项目我所得良多,开阔了我的视野,真是一个非凡成功的扶平项目。趁此佳节,也写写我一路走来的感想如有任何错漏,请 大家不吝指点。新系统开始 Robot 卖价由 0.30 一路以极快的速度到 0.35 还有文章欣喜的写出,从此告别 0.30,但不到一两天时间,由 0.35 跌回 0.30,当时我接到许多团队的组员打来电话问发生什么事?我也不知所然,只能说可能有人压盘。希望公司下次要出盘托管户口的 robot,有一个正常的机制,我们也可以从容应对。
大盘回落的原因是公司挂出代管户口的30%,表面看来是给大家开了一个大玩笑,其实好好想想,我们FCT真的是太棒了 (拍马屁). 黄总曾经一再强调大家要做好三出 三进,可是我们的老开发商就是不听,没有办法,公司只有强制您出场,(31800个)经过这次的价格调整,作为您是否有所感悟,Finnciti是我们自 己的,公司没有一个机器人,大盘的涨落全部都是开发商之间的事情,如果大家都不做三出三进,好的,当有一天泡沫来临的时候,损失的都是您我,不是公司!"
公司新系统了问题,不要还是吹"我们FCT真的是太棒了". 谁通知公司系统了问题?? 不要指鹿.

另外一点,公司是网络项目,照理要回复电邮,应该不会很费力,但我试过有些 混淆的细节 email 给公司,却得不到应有的效率回复。这一点,我恳请公司要正视,并不是每个玩家都容易取得第一手的资讯,尤其是玩家少的国家。网络项目回个电邮也要三几个 月,如何也说不过去。好,写到此希望公司百尺竿头更进一步,改善这些弊端,多谢。

The 10th price-split was on 03/10/2012, it took 93 days to break from 0.30 to 0.31. Price escalated to 0.35 lesser than 48 hours but plunged down to 0.30 overnight. Many asked among each other, why ?? I wrote an e-mail to company for attention but no reply to date. Finnciti City Building Smilution was a 2nd revamp since its SMICap launching in May 2007, the first revamp was on 15/11/2008. No doubt, there were many bugs and errors required timely improvement. We should convey our view to company for rectification, then only company is able to realize the gap to improve. If company may take months to reply someone e-mail, what is the degree of service, with the current encouraging ID growth daily ? Being a successful enterprise, should a company expand its admin team or expect the developers (players) to queue endlessly ?

On 06 Jan 2013, 12:39AM (Malaysia local time), when the new system was unable to queue (presumably error) those force selling units, causing the forced selling unit not in queue as expected sequence (in between the player selling at 0.30 and before 0.31), the forced selling units came in only when the market price was 0.35, this already jeopardized the entire market, resulting the price back to 0.30. Company decision on force selling is rightful against those selfish veteran developers, particularly to minimize possible bubble. I wonder why many bloggers in China were happily about company mistake even though the new system has already shown the error.
I wrote this article for the sake of company improvement, and ours as well. I personally appreciated 老总 prominent platform, i care about Finnciti too, but don't overdo. I am one of the serious Finnciti fevers in Malaysia. Finncitiはあきらめないで, ばんざい.

Friday, February 8, 2013


You were always on my mind -- 老板我马上要回家,不然我不干了.
在SMI里赚到钱, 快快买脚车载送女儿吧.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


本文来源 :

美女不代表完善, 最重要的是,看她的心.
你说美不美 ?

黄总原话:2013年会是公司很棒的一年 20号上午黄总因高兴透露2个秘密:1-8个月替马来西亚一家公司上市,大概在2013.9月份上市,公司能赚1000万到2500万。2月21号星期一瑞士银行的CEO要来和黄总谈合作,如果谈成3个月后500万会变成1000万-1500万。 黄总明年可能不给大家培训了,黄总说他要把时间用在理财上,因为他是理财高手(强项),多赚钱让大家分红多一些。 公司每月24天培训,每天机器人应该有交易100万个,公司每天10%的手续费,自己算算。 有人问Finnciti没人玩怎么办,这个不成立,不可能的。下午是美国籍华人来公司培训,他们说中国人赚钱了我们也要来赚。 Finnciti目前已经268层,26个国家,62个开户中心,20多万土地开发商,千万的有20几个,百万有2万多个,Finnciti是边赚钱边等上市,钱是变出来的,在金融界里才有! 利益最大化:三出三进;金三角、层层布满.

黄总为什么会说出这个秘密来!前一部分是因为说分红3EP的!好多开发商觉得太少了!只看到一天才增加2000ID!黄总才说:2000ID!最小也增加2000个分红权益!一个月就是9000个!三个月就是两万七千个!我拿出68万来给大家分红!大家还觉得不够?我的压力越来越大了!ID不停增多!以后公司培训会让其他开发商给大家培训了!我要抽时间出去赚更多的钱!这样才能满足越来越多的ID分红! 我好累好累!大家要护好这个盘!说实话说真话! 钱不是赚来了!是变来的!我下周就和瑞士银行来的人见面!帮一个公司在国外做上市!定下来后!七月份到十一月份能上市!公司出750万就能赚到1250万!这个钱就是这样变出来的!一千多万!做什么能做到!一下变出来?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Prizes - Peep & Bid To Buy Out Regulation Updates 看一看及投标游子规则更新

Date 5 Feb 2013

Detail In order to ensure fair play, the following rules will be taking effect:
  1. When Peeped Price at 30% and below of its starting price, the Peeped Price Result will not be shown.
  2. Buy Out will be affected based on *Rule 1 and the actual Buy Our prize will only be known when the prize is won.
  1. 当看一看价位在奖品开始价格的 30% 以下后,系统将不会显示任何价位直到奖品被幸运儿赢取。
  2. 看一看并宣布购买的条规也会随着 *条规1 不显示价位。购买价位会在奖品被赢取后揭晓。

Friday, February 1, 2013

New Building Game Rules starting 1st Feb 2013 新的建筑游戏规则将在 2 月 1 日 2013 年起生效

Date 31 Jan 2013

Detail We would like to thank all the players for participating the beta run of the City Building game, we would be resetting the City Building Game on 1st February 2013 with the following changes:
  • *Update* Buildings, Coins Balance will be resetted to reflect the following new game rules.
  • *Update* All Fantasi Stock Centre records will be resetted.
  • *Update* Coins conversion rate will be increased from EP 100 to EP 1,000 for 1,000 Coins, those who had previously converted will be credited based on the old rates.
  • *Update* Free Coins will be reduced, for an example: Diamond Player ID will start with 5,000 Coins instead of 50,000 Coins.
  • *Update* Rental will now based on Monthly instead of Weekly and first rental collection will start 1 month later from the date of completion initiated by player. Monthly Rental will be increased with a new rate.
  • *Update* Each Player ID can now only own maximum of 3 buildings for the time being. 
  • *New* Player now able to Demolish Completed Building found at the Completed Buiding Info.
  • *New* Stone Balance Sheet is available now.
  • *New* Metal Balance Sheet is available now.
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