These few days, after the 11th split on 02/04/13, the ID growth seemed like a bit slower (2300~2800) compared with the ID growth a month ago (3000~5000). Below attachment was abstracted from one of the China website, it was noticed that the ID growth was definately slower since 07/04/13.
Information taken from China bloggers revealed that particularly it was hard to get PIN registration in China recently. PIN restriction re-surface again!! The first was in July 2011 ~ May 2012. Anyone of you may countercheck with friends in China if available.
Last year, some friends of mine advised me not to join the game, and the worst part they claimed that how should i ethically earn money as the game itself was alleged as a PONZI program. Do i have to argue with them ? One proverb goes "Arguing with a fool, proves there are the two" 同一个傻瓜争辩,证明有两个. Such countermeasure (PIN restriction) implemented by company is not the first time and will not be the last, for the sake of every developers, it is to fine tune the platform stability and long life operation. One thing for sure, Finnciti is not a platform for "MLM" speculation or a scam program to rob people hard earned money, not a place for those speculators desiring to be rich overnight. Almost 6 years operation in the market, Finnciti has proved that it has an honest intention of helping individuals. A problematic company, will it restrict the participation if company wants to "HIT and RUN"? or Company is fishing you ?
这次为什么又限卡呢?都等好多天了,没能给朋友注册, 着急啊!!!
关于FinnCiti为什么限卡之解说 中文版 ...