Period : 03/10/12 ~ 08/03/13
Average daily ID increment :
Observation :
1. Significant ID growth after Finnciti launching on 12/12/12, average ID growth is doubled.
2. Growth is slow approaching and during CNY, indicated the developers are mainly Chinese celebrating CNY.
3. Current growth rate reflects enormous potential in Finnciti, proven 2013 will be a glorious year for Finnciti, as cited by 老总.
4. Growth picked up after CNY as per chart.
My opinion
11th split (配送) will ring the bell at anytime, however, there are 3 factors in consideration
1. Numbers of robots per ID
2. Market price of robot
3. Rate of ID growth
1. 1511 robots / ID, ok can split
2. robot price is still low, no way Boss will do split (配送)
3. rate of growth is very strong, no way Boss will do split (配送)
Let's see if the 11th split will be 2 folds, looking at the current ID growth rate.