Besides doubting that money could indeed increase 50 ~ 400% yearly, one major hindrance encountered by many people to further create ID .... is ...some portion (35~50%) of participant's initial money will be channeled to a pool, which funded the developers bonus.
To maximize the short term profit, one can invest 63 Silver or 63 Gold IDs. For instance, if a developer invests 63 Gold IDs, ie 63 X USD500 = USD31,500. 43% of the fund will be channeled to the pool, 0.43 X 31,500 = USD13,545 as if deducted from its prevailing value (USD31,500). However, through the bonus rewarded such as Sponsorship; Matching and Leadership bonuses, developer will get 59.9% out of the USD13,545 in the pool, ie, USD13,545 X 0.599 = USD8,113. The balance (USD5432), some portion is utilized to the pay for the upline bonuses and 3~7% is left with the company, which is not visible in my calculation here.
The above-listed table recommends the more IDs created, the higher percentage developer will get from the pool. Since Normal ID ( USD100 ) is not allowed to purchase EP in the system, therefore it is not recommended to register. Silver ( USD200 ) and Gold ( USD500 ) are the best two, definitely the
smart one is Silver ( USD200 ). Helping yourself to create more IDs, is another way to withdraw your fund contributed in the pool. Ya lo, still depend on ones' financial situation.
For my Malaysian going-to-be developers, assuming you invest MYR100,800, you will have the robots and EP equivalent to MYR83,000 in account, only MYR17,000 is with the company for continuous bonuses pay out.