
Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.  What is the company website and e-mail address ?
A1 :
Website  :
e-mail     :

Q2.  Why should a developer limited to 30 IDs under the same user name ?
A2 :  
I. Practices had proven too many IDs will cause difficulty in IDs management.
II. Animation-based system requires huge data transfer and reduce the server speed during high traffic.
III. If there are 100 IDs under the same user name, once the credibility of star rating is deducted from 5 to 0, trading of EP and PIN code generation will be suspended, no EP and PIN transaction are allowed. Having multiple user names create more opportunities to avoid this inconvenience.
Any existing account ID can be the sponsor of your next new account. But, the next new account must be a new username, because each username can have 30 account IDs only. Your new username can share all the same personal and banking information as your existing username.

Q3. What to do if problems encountered during buying EP, Remittance or Message reply to seller ?
A3 :
Click "Attachment"

Q4. What are the precaution and procedure to know when trading EP, and the importance of credibility of Star rating ?
Click "Attachment 1" and  "Attachment 2"

finncitiQ5.  How long will it take for the company to reply your e-mail ?
A5 :
Average 7 days in China, in my case (Malaysia) longer than 30 days without reply. An e-mail was forwarded to on 06/01/13 and till 28/02/13 there was not any reply. I shared my story with one of the Finnciti blogger in China, i was repeatedly advised to wait instead of re-forward follow up mail. I worry my grammar fails me to make them understand. Waiting, waiting and keep waiting ...................

Q6. Will the company close down business ?
A6 :
In regard to this question, CEO 黄总 replied as such : Ever since the ID started from 1000 to 220,000, the company's revenues ranging from tens of dollars daily to about USD50,000-90,000, the growth was even better still to date. Such a good company, profit making, why should i shut down the door? If you were me, were you do that? Unless you were mentally sick to end the business. 黄总 stressed that company vision is to create double-century enterprise, be rest assured, company will never terminate the network. 黄总 further informed that company had been operated for 3 years and 8 months, although ID reached 220,000, the actual developers was about 88,000 persons. The current development is only tip of the iceberg, company wanted ten of millions or even hundred of millions of developers to participate Finnciti.
Click "Attachment 1"

Q7. Is this program a Ponzi or fraudulent ?
A7 :
If you don't believe Finnciti, it is designed to help the ordinary people, then don't join. Company will never commit to anyone with any vastly figure within a given time. This is an educational financial e-game. Those who are in Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and China may have heard of Sunshine Empire Pte Ltd. Its investment scheme started at the same year and the same country as the e-game program - both started on May 2007 in Singapore. Sunshine Empire's investment scheme went off quite excitedly but collapsed when the S'pore government stepped in Oct/Nov 2008. The e-gamee program went off quite boringly and has logged its 5.5 years on Jan 2013. Should it be the case, S'pore government has already stepped in .
Sunshine Empire Investment scheme provided monthly FIXED rebate amount based on one's investment level, using fund from new investors to pay existing ones. Sunshine Empire's investment scheme cannot last when there isn't any new account/member for 3 consecutive months. Its promoters would disappear. The e-game program is designed in such a way even when there is NO new account and NO buy and sell activity WHATSOEVER for six consecutive months, and it would go on into decades based on its designs. Wealth will come along with those patient participants.

Q8. What are the assets that back the value of robots ?
A8 :
Like life, value of robots will go up and down. No fear, the system has mechanisms so that the value of the robots will go up, Up and UP, according to demand and supply! There isn't any negative cycle growth to date.
1. Each split will multiply the robots quantity, the founder has thought of a way to ensure that the robots supply would have digested by the demand after every split.
2. Each growth cycle will see the value of robots increase, which is taken care by demand and supply, without manipulation. So, again what backs the value of robots ? The founder quoted ...
1st rule is demand and supply.
2nd rule is don't forget the 1st rule.

Q9. Besides doubting that money could indeed increase 50 ~ 400% yearly, what are the hindrances encountered by many people who could not get over ?
A9 :
1. Some portion (35~50%) of participant's initial money will be channeled to a pool, which funded the developers bonus.

To maximize the short term profit, one can invest 63 Silver or 63 Gold IDs. For instance, if a developer invests 63 Gold IDs, ie 63 X USD500 = USD31,500. 43% of the fund will be channeled to the pool, 0.43 X 31,500 = USD13,545 as if deducted from its prevailing value (USD31,500). However, through the bonus rewarded such as Sponsorship; Matching and Leadership bonuses, developer will get 59.9% out of the USD13,545 in the pool, ie, USD13,545 X 0.599 = USD8,113. The balance (USD5432), some portion is utilized to the pay for the upline bonuses and 3~7% is left with the company, which is not visible in my calculation here.

The above-listed table recommends the more IDs created, the higher percentage developer will get from the pool. Since Normal ID ( USD100 ) is not allowed to purchase EP in the system, therefore it is not recommended to register. Silver ( USD200 ) and Gold ( USD500 ) are the best two, definitely the smart one is Silver ( USD200 ). Helping yourself to create more IDs, is another way to withdraw your fund contributed in the pool. Ya lo, still depend on ones' financial situation.

For my Malaysian going-to-be developers, assuming you invest MYR100,800, you will have the robots and EP equivalent to MYR83,000 in account, only MYR17,000 is with the company for continuous bonuses pay out.

2. The program will channel another 10% of one's money to e-games, effective 15 Nov 2008.
So, every US$500 account will be left with only US$256.50 (after 1 & 2), to buy the robots at the prevailing value. For a US$1,000 account, the amount to buy the tokens (after 1 & 2) is US$531.
Many people couldn't get over these, thus these people missed this exponential growth program to their money with time! For those who could trust and have patience, each US$1000 becomes US$16,992 after 5 years with the robots program. 

Q10. How to look for registration ?
A10 :
finncitiOne common situation faced by many developers, they were "born without properly educated". After all, even the recommender him/herself hesitated to study the operation procedure of the entire system. Being recommeded into the platform, many new developers rushed to nowhere to look for operating solutions. So, looking for a skilled-operation, sense of responsibility and patient recommender is an important consideration. Length of registration (veteran ID) doesn't be a factor to determine a recommender leading capability, the key is whether the recommender is proficient with the platform operation. An ethical recommender should be able to guide you the registration and its operating procedure.

Q11. What happend in year end 2008 when a revamp implementation was introduced ?
A11 :
When the platform run to a certain stage, it will produce a lot of bonuses, corresponding rules will be launched at every stage to prevent the generation of crash to the system. A revamp was introduced  on 15/11/08, where Maintenance fee, e-game (peeping) portion, Level cap and Weekly cap were enforced. Following of the implementation, many veteran player aroused strong dissatisfaction, especially the Guangzhou team. In 2009, the Guangzhou team united together and publicized around, SMI would not allow us to make money, we must engage dead to "SMI".  Players sold a lot of tokens, and even led the team to exit, the market was in chaos. Nobody have ever claimed unable receive their encashed money. Consequenting only 8 ID accounts increment daily, market price plunged to 10 cents, making the company development in difficulty. Finnciti developer, what is your mentality engaging in Finnciti ? What is the point if company provides you 3 ~ 5 folds and close shop in a year or 2 ? Every single countermeasure taken is to ensure long life operation of the system, remember 100-year enterprise down the road.

Q12. In order to prevent robots depreciation should company implement selling quota ?
A12 :
Definitely, this implementation sounds good to be true, where selling transactions are designed accordingly to allocated quota. One even can not sell at lower price if the quota has been fully taken, forcing units escalated automatically, one has to sell at higher price. Regardless of the service provider, we are dealing with imaginary product that appears to be useless in the market. Participants of eShares, also called virtual shares, do not own any aspects of the issuing company, or any other company related to it. I mean, even in Finnciti robots are worthless if the management declares "close shop". Any service provider can artificially manipulate the program to doubling in price (sometimes as quickly as a few weeks). In Finnciti, selling and buying are solely up to players (developers) judgement, not limited to sell low or high in any value and quantity, very transparency transactions. This has clearly reflected the service provider foundational aim.

Q13. Why do so many companies imitate SMI (Finnciti) ?
A13 :
finncitiSimply it is too good to be true. It's success in quantifiable terms, historical performance had drawn many companies to imitate its foot step. If a company is not successful, it is impossible to have so many companies to imitate. Dozen of companies are imitating SMI foot step, to name a few AS*, 买f****, SR*, EK*, MM*, GV*, IP*.......

Q14. 为何有SMI(Finnciti)的诞生 ?
A14 :
创造人的心态是什么 ? 为了生活而吃饭? 或者为了吃饭而生活?
老总为了扶“平”计划, 才创造游戏理财. 不是为了利润, 才复制游戏理财. 千差万别的, “选择比努力更重要”. 您必须悟懂您的选择.  老总强调Finnciti不是做,而是慢慢去悟的!
Company objective is simple - that ordinary people will have HANDSOME growth to their money in the system.

Q15. 为何要学会管理自己的户口 ? 为何2011年6月至2012年5月28日公司限制发卡 ?
Click "Attachment 1"

Q16. 中国相关部门对SMI理财调查结果 ?
Click "Attachment 1"

Q17. 关于上市原始股配售问题 ?
Click "Attachment 1"

Q18. 三出三进 ? 三出三进又是如何做的 ? 
黄总把自己的创盘理念和模式讲得很清楚, 特别每次强调要做三出三进复利理财可以获得更大利润, 可是那时候很少有人能听进去, 而有些人还说三出三进会让公司拿走更多的钱, 不能做, 总以为是黄总在骗他们, 但经过了这三年时间, 但同样是学习, 听话, 照做的人赚到了很多钱, 按自己的想法做的人获得的利益就相对少了很多; 在Finnciti游戏平台里, 处处体现的是大舍大得, 小舍小得, 不舍不得, 因为黄总一开始创盘就是根据佛儒道的理念设计的, 这是一个公司和游戏玩家双赢的模式, 所以为什么黄总一再强调“悟”Finnciti比做Finnciti更重要, 悟的越好越透在Finnciti赚到的钱也就越多. 不做三出三进,捂币不动, 那是一部分玩家意识到当下会吃亏的,自以为是, 以为捂住能赚的更多。实际上,从长远看是吃了大亏的, 都捂住大盘能涨吗, 做了三出三进才能增加新的分红资格, 这都是长远的利益, 这才是最大的利益
Click "Attachment 1"

Q19. SMI都赚钱,钱从哪里来?
Click "Attachment 1"and "Attachment 2"
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